The Role of Ruby on Rails in Modern Web Development

The Role of Ruby on Rails in Modern Web Development

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a popular open-source web development framework that's been around for over a decade. It was first introduced in 2004 by David Heinemeier Hansson, and since then, it has gained a significant following among developers worldwide. Rails are based on the Ruby programming language and provide a comprehensive set of tools and features to build modern web applications. In this blog post, we'll explore the role of Ruby on Rails in modern web development and discuss why businesses should hire Ruby on Rails developers or partner with a Ruby on Rails development company to build their web applications.

Why Ruby on Rails?

One of the reasons why Ruby on Rails has gained so much popularity is because it follows the principle of "convention over configuration." This means that Rails has a set of conventions and best practices that developers can follow to build web applications faster and with less code. Rails also have many built-in features, such as scaffolding, which generates a basic structure for a new web application. These features help developers focus on their application's unique aspects rather than worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Another reason why Ruby on Rails is popular is that it's a mature and stable framework. It has been used to build high-profile web applications such as Airbnb, GitHub, Shopify, and Basecamp. These applications serve millions of users worldwide and demonstrate the scalability and reliability of the Rails framework.

The Benefits of Ruby on Rails

There are several benefits to using Ruby on Rails for web development. Here are some of the most significant:

Rapid Development

Rails provide many built-in features and conventions that make it easy to build web applications quickly. Developers can use scaffolding to generate basic code for new applications, and many gems (libraries) are available to add functionality to an application. This means developers can focus on building unique features rather than worrying about the underlying infrastructure.


Rails have been used to build high-profile web applications that serve millions of users worldwide. This demonstrates the scalability and reliability of the framework. Rails also provide tools for scaling applications, such as caching and database sharding.

Community Support

Ruby on Rails has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the framework and create new gems. This means that developers can leverage the community's collective knowledge to build better web applications.

Why Hire Ruby on Rails Developers or Partner with a Ruby on Rails Development Company?

Businesses that want to build web applications with Ruby on Rails can either hire Ruby on Rails developers or partner with a Ruby on Rails development company. Here are some reasons why businesses should consider doing so:


Ruby on Rails is a specialized framework requiring expertise to build web applications correctly. Hiring Ruby on Rails developers or partnering with a Ruby on Rails development company ensures that businesses can leverage the expertise of developers who specialize in the framework.


Hiring Ruby on Rails developers or partnering with a Ruby on Rails development company can be cost-effective compared to building an in-house development team. Businesses can hire developers or work with a development company on a project basis rather than hiring full-time employees.


Ruby on Rails developers or development companies can build web applications faster than an in-house development team. This is because they have experience working with the framework and can leverage the built-in features and conventions to build applications more efficiently.


In conclusion, Ruby on Rails is crucial in modern web development. Its "convention over configuration" principle, built-in features, and scalability make it an ideal choice for building web applications quickly and efficiently. Businesses that want to build web applications with Ruby on Rails can benefit from hiring Ruby on Rails developers or partnering with Ruby on Rails development companies. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, Ruby on Rails provides a reliable and robust platform for building high-quality web applications.